Southern Soul Revival: Two Simple Salads

When I am cooking a dinner, I like to start my prep with a salad. That way, I have a light dish to steal bites from while I work on preparing everything else.
A recent trip to the Heritage Meat Shop has got me on a pork and rendered fats kick. These scallions are sauteed in pan drippings from a pork chop I bought there.
While I am generally not a fan of leftovers, this potato salad not only holds up well, but it usually tastes better the next day
So simple it hardly needs an explanation. The more time you leave the cabbge to marinate/pickle in the apple cider vinegar before serving, the better.
Red Cabbage Slaw
Serves 8 to 12
One medium to large head of red cabbage
3/4 - 1 cups of carrots, minced fine
Olive oil
Apple cider vinegar
Shred the cabbage with a grater, toss it with the apple cider vinegar, and set aside. In a large mixing bowl, combine the olive oil, salt, and pepper. Wash the carrots thoroughly and shop fine. Toss them in the bowl with the olive oil salt and pepper. Once the cabbage has pickled slightly (at least 40 minutes before serving), combine it in a bowl with the carrots and toss. Serve.
If you want to add a touch of decadence, substitute rendered bacon fat for the vegtable oil. Otherwise, this vegetarian/vegan recipe is already full of amazing flavors. Sometimes, I grab parsley and a few pinches of pennyroyal fresh from my herb garden if I don't make it to the farmer's market. Feel free to experiment with scallions, onions, and other herbs as well.
Herbed Potato Salad with Fennel, Chevril, and Parslaine Shoots
Serves 8 to 12
5lbs of small to medium golden, hybrid, or yellow potatoes, washed with skins intact.
1 medium fennel bulm, finely chopped
6 cloves of garlic, finely chopped.
1 cup of fresh chevril or parsley - chopped fine
1 bunch watercress, or parslaine - chopped medium course.
3 tsp Olive oil
Course sea salt
Frech cracked pepper
Apple cider vinegar
In a large stock pot, bring salted water to a boil. Add the potatoes and cook for about 10 to 12 minutes. They are done when you can poke a knife in with minimal resistance. Remove the potatoes from the water and allow them to cool to a temperature where they can be safely handled.
In a large mixing bowl, combine the olive oil, salt, pepper, and vinegar. Set aside. Cut the potatoes into 1 1/2" inch cubes. Leave the skin intact as this will add interest and texture. Add the cubes to the bowl and toss until all the potatos are well coated with the dressing.
Add the fennel, garlic, herbs, and greens. Mix well until they are well incorporated into the dish, then spritz with lemon. Chill for about 30 minutes for a more traditional version or serve at room temperature.
Check back next week - the Southern Soul Revival continues.
Do you have any go - to salads for easy meals midweek? Tell us about it!
Reader Comments (1)
I've had this wonderful potato salad and wanted the recipe ever since. Thanks and I'll be trying it this summer season.